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Wing It

Tell stories with an extreme trist


Action Choice, Chance, Collection, Hidden Action, Improvisation, Presentation, Real-time, Resource Management, Role-playing, Storytelling, Turn-based, Voting, Wordplay,


Adaptability, Application, Communication, Confidence, Creativity, Curiosity, Cultural Intelligence, Feedback, Growth Mindset, Organization, Persuasion, Positivity, Problem Solving, Professionalism, Public Speaking, Resourcefulness, Risk-taking, Skill-building, Time Management,


Play Personalities

Joker, Explorer, Collector, Creator, Storyteller,

As a Physical Game


As a Digital Game


As an Opener


As a Core Activity


As a Closer



An Expert in Your Pocket

Upgrade to any paid subscription tier of the Play Concierge platform for direct access to practitioners with experience facilitating this game for learning outcomes!

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Flying Leap Games:

DIY Notes:


> Apples to Apples (similar game) 

> Create custom resource and scenario cards 

> Put additional constraints on the storyteller

Pulse Check

Q - Are people having fun — smiling, laughing, in deep thought? 

Q - Does everyone seem open to keep playing? Are the disengaged able to be more engaged? 

Q - Do you hear productive strategizing about how to improve process or results?


Position the reflection around goals and metrics, as well as the skills and roles to succeed: 

Q - Did you enjoy this game? Do others agree? Why or why not? 

Q - Where might you have changed your strategy or mindset to improve results? 

Q - When did your actions most affect others in the game?


Position the reflection around sensory and emotional responses to certain options or ideas: 

Q - Were you satisfied with the level of engagement from your team members? 

Q - What made you feel respected and valued during the game? 

Q - When did the game have the most energy? The most tension?

Have feedback? Offer your thoughts here:

Learning Preambles


Connected Playlists

Why  |  Feel

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