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Here is a list of materials and media that complement play-based team development:
A Philosophy Of Games that is Really a Philosophy of Life
Ezra Klein (Ezra Klein Show)
Why play is essential for business
Martin Reeves (TED)
Our Workplaces Think We’re Computers. We’re Not.
Ezra Klein (Ezra Klein Show)
Work 2.0: Game On!
Shankar Vedantam (Hidden Brain)
The Playful Wonderland Behind Great Inventions
Steven Johnson (TED)
What Psychological Safety Look Like in a Hybrid Workplace
Amy C. Edmondson and Mark Mortensen (HBR)
LinkedIn Is Now Paying ERG Leaders; This Is Huge In The Battle Against Burnout
Rachel Montañez (Forbes)
The 10 Faces of Innovation
Tom Kelley (IDEO)
Play at Work: 7 Ways to Shift Your Mindset and Unlock Innovation
Brendan Boyle & Michelle Lee (IDEO U)
U.S. Employee Engagement Drops for First Year in a Decade
Tim Harter (Gallup)
Don't Fear Play
Blog (BXP)
True Culture is Experienced, Not Written
Blog (BXP)
How to Create the Culture you Want
Blog (BXP)
15 Communication Exercises and Games for the Workplace
Catherine Moore (Positive Psychology)
Guide to Gamification – How Can It Help Your Business Be More Productive, Faster?
(Business Matters UK)
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