Two Rooms and a Boom
Find teammates, establish trust, and make exchanges before the bomb explodes
Adaptability, Attention, Communication, Confidence, Conflict Resolution, Creativity, Credibility, Critical Thinking, Curiosity, Cultural Intelligence, Decision Making, Delegation, Emotional Intelligence, Initiative, Integrity, Listening, Multitasking, Organization, Persuasion, Problem Solving, Reliability, Responsiveness, Risk-taking, Skill-building, Strategy Development, Teamwork, Time Management,
Play Personalities
As a Physical Game
As a Digital Game
As an Opener
As a Core Activity
As a Closer
Position the reflection around goals and metrics, as well as the skills and roles to succeed:
Q - What is one thing about you that would help your team members work with you better?
Q - Did this game give you ideas about how to better advocate for yourself?
Q - What strengths and talents did you witness, and how could the team better leverage them?
Position the reflection around sensory and emotional responses to certain options or ideas:
Q - Were you satisfied with the level of engagement from your team members?
Q - What made you feel respected and valued during the game?
Q - When did the game have the most energy? The most tension?